Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Back to Square One

F uck.

After some back and forth negotiating on The Cottage house, the sellers have decided to cancel their listing.

What is wrong with people?? Why can't they figure out how much they can actually afford to sell their house for before listing it, and before negotiating with a potential buyer? They've wasted a week and a half of our time- time that could have been spent looking at other houses and not getting our hopes up.

This feels worse than the let down we got with the LYH. We actually truly believed that we would be moving into this house before Christmas, but instead we'll be putting up a little tree in our shithole apartment for the 4th year in a row.



  1. Sorry Cool Kate. I vote you get a huge tree in your shithole apartment. Don't let your apartment stop you from going all out with your tree - I didn't when I was in the apartment near you. Don't give up hope - perhaps the house gods will send a marvlous house with a fancy name your way soon - and this time the sellers won't suck.

  2. I agree with Jessika, you guys should get the most ridiculously large christmas tree ever. One that takes up half the living room. Just move the big chair into Luke's room for a few weeks or something :)
